Sunday, November 23, 2008

Squirrel #2

We went to the new pecan grove and it was 52 degrees and winds about 10 mph. Abby was following great. We were walking through the trees and I was using the Mr. Squirrel call and the "kiss of death" and was not seeing squirrels. I was shooting marbles in the few nest I saw with no results. Abby took a flight to a tree that was not in my direction so I was watching her than I saw the squirrel. So did she. She hit the squirrel up in the tree and was wrapped up in some limbs. I could tell the way the squirrel was balled up it was bitting Abby or her chaps. I started getting worried. Finally she and the squirrel hit the ground. I ran over to her her and grabbed the squirrels head and it let go, and I covered the squirrel with my glove and threw the lure and Abby traded off great. I dispatched the squirrel and put it in the bag. Got Abby on my glove and her left foot was cover in blood. I could see a small puncture between two of her toes. It did not look serious. I put her back up in a tree and she followed to the truck. I offered her the lure, than hooded her. I sprayed off her feet, and than sprayed anti-biotic on the wound. Very small puncture. We got home and I put ointment on the wound. It looked fine the next day. All in all a very good day and Abby's second squirrel this year.
11/22/08 1028 grams 1 squirrel

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